MemberWing Review

Powerful, but a Small Learning Curve

wMRvsAaecsa1AAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==I would like to say right off the bat that I have not have very extensive experience with MemberWing.  I used it only for a brief time while I was shopping for an alternative WordPress membership plugin to Wishlist Member and before I finally settled on Digital Access Pass.

Although some people swear by it and have had great success with it, I found it rather confusing initially.  However, once I got the hang of it, it was a pretty powerful plugin.  Among the impressive features, it had:

  • Unlimited membership levels
  • The ability to sell single pages or posts
  • Drip content through a separate but included plugin
  • Native integration with Aweber (and if you haven’t started building your list, start now!)
  • Automatic cancellation
  • Partial content protection

I ultimately went with Digital Access Pass because of the included affiliate manager, however MemberWing easily rivals DAP in its feature list.

Should You Buy MemberWing?

In my opinion, you’d be better off with Digital Access Pass.  Although they have pretty much the same membership features, DAP has the included affiliate manager and email list manager.  DAP also has the best ticketed support of any of the plugins while I found MemberWing’s support documentation to be a little scattered.

That said, it’s not a bad plugin.  You can create a very sophisticated WordPress membership site with this plugin and once you get over the initial hump, it becomes quite easy.